Orlando offers no shortage of running events. Race Time Sports is involved in a large portion of those events. So you can imagine we see and work with many folks in the racing community. Here are a few key pieces of advice I would give to any would be race director that would like to start an event.
1. Go out and visit a few local 5K’s. Watch every aspect to learn what is going on.
2. Look for a race management company like Race Time Sports that has a good relationship with local municipalities. Knowing how to work with the officials goes a long way in getting permits processed and events approved.
3. Start Early! Give yourself at least 6 months minimum.
4. Get a good planning committee in place. Areas to focus on: Sponsorship, Volunteers, and event Promotion. Let the hired race company worry about logistics.
5. Start Early! No this is not a typo, I know this is in here again, but you would be amazed at the number of people that walk in our door with no infrastructure in place and want to put on a race in a matter of 6 to 8 weeks.
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