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No Baby Joggers Allowed

First of all we are not a bunch of mean people that do not sympathize with parents who run with baby joggers and want to race with them.  It just so happens that I have a 20 month old at home that I put in a baby jogger when I go out for runs.  However this has...

3 things wrong with 5K’s in Central Florida

In Central Florida a 5K on any given weekend from September through May is common. And chip timing in Central Florida for races is the standard, not the exception. So if every race pretty much gives you a good course, food afterwards and a nice t-shirt how can races...

Orlando Running Events

Orlando offers no shortage of running events.  Race Time Sports is involved in a large portion of those events.  So you can imagine we see and work with many folks in the racing community.  Here are a few key pieces of advice I would give to any would be race director...

Race Results

The last couple of races we have done we have people walking up to the timing tent to let us know that they are not in race results. So the first question we ask them is when did you cross the finish line? Typical answer is “I just crossed a couple of minutes...